My Lord, help me forgive when everything inside me tells me not to. Help me let go when my heart is so wounded that I feel it’s breaking. Open my eyes to things that can heal me, things that can comfort me and make me stronger. Hold my hand and let me cry on Your shoulder. Take me to places I’ve never been, let me stand on the highest mountain, so I can see how foolish I am for clinging to my anger. Show me a glimpse of Your greatness, so that I can make it my treasure when everything else seems to crumble around me.
Teach me to make the best of all the painful circumstances in my life and help me love the people who hurt me as You love us all, although we hurt You every day by our words, thoughts and actions. Give me the wisdom to see beyond this moment, to understand and accept the deepest motivations that make people hurt other people. Give me the inner strength to heal and not to break, to comfort and not to destroy, to repay good for evil and love for hatred.
And last, but not least, make my faith stronger, so that I can cope with moments like this in the future. Turn every experience into a magic well, from which I can always draw drops of strength and wisdom. Teach me the alchemy of love, which changes dust and mud into gold and makes everything worthwhile. For You are the only help I’ve got and in You I put all my trust now and forever.
Thank you for this lovely prayer filled with compassion and understanding
I needed that prayer, thank you so much for writing such a lovely prayer. I will comment it to memory, for I struggle at times with forgiveness.
I came upon your prayer just after writing a letter to my estranged daughter. In the letter I explained my hurt, acknowledged her hurt, and forgave her, hoping that she will forgive me. It all sounded right;but I was afraid that I would fail at truly forgiving. Then, I find your prayer! I will pray this prayer daily and trust that God will make one of his many miracles happen. I will be free from the bondage of bitterness and resentment and free to love unconditionally as God does.
So thank you for your prayer and Thank God For sending to me!
Amen I say Amen.
Thank you. I texted this to my boyfriend. We are going through a rough time right now. I have to learn to forgive just as I expect to be forgiven. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH. GOD bless!
Thank you so much for this prayer. It really helped.
Thanks Eliza - helps me in my fight to forgive a guy i was angry at but remembered "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood".
Funny think is I called him to express my anger but he missed my call! So i had a chance to seek Gods advice!
The devil uses people to anger us to cause us to sin.
Rebuke the devil and he will flee from you.
One way I found that works is to do the opposite to your natural reaction.
Found your wonderful prayer when I was searching for a blog about forgiveness & forgiving someone. Your prayer touched me deeply because it's what I just really needed at the moment. Thank you & God bless you!
Thankyou so much Master. You again reached me through Eliza.
I am still hurting, feeling bad and angry at those who did this to me. But Eliza, your prayer is helping. Thankyou.
May God bless all of us.
Thanks to all who posted encouraging feedback on this prayer. I'm struggling with forgiveness myself at the moment and your generous comments helped a lot.
God bless you.
Today, I began a 7 week Forgiveness program and needed a prayer that resonated with me... I found your prayer, thank you for sharing your gift!
Thank you for this prayer. I've been harboring a great deal of anger towards two people that hurt me very deeply. I've done all I can to forgive but have found the resentment still very heavy in my heart. I feel lighter having said your prayer and will continue to say it until I feel clear of this anger and am able to truly, wholly, and completely forgive. Thank you for sharing this prayer. You are a true blessing.
Dealing with my husband infidelity with his sister friend. I have unforgiveness towards them...i will pray this prayers because the bitterness has consumed me,however God is able to pull me out....
Its 6:34 am in New York City and all theses days i've been hurt and broken hearted by my husband by the way he hurts me with his words but yet Jesus said that we must forgive and be compassion but we live in a world that its so cruel and i always have pray so many beautiful prayers from your site but this one was meant for me today thank you as you know how hard it is to forgive when someone that you love has hurted you so deeply.
my heart has been filled with so much anger, resentment and bitterness lately not just because of one thing but of the many things that have happened to me over the last 5 years. i feel like i've reached a breaking point, and googled 'how to forgive' and this prayer of yours came up. thank you for reminding me of the so long lost relationship i had with christ. i've lost my way from him because of those who say they are christians and those very same people have hurt me in the deepest ways unimaginable. my anger towards them has also angered me against my own faith, and every time i hear the mention of church, god, or even a worship song on the radio - i go through crying spells...and it's because my greatest struggle is not just forgiving them but forgiving myself for trusting everyone but Christ. I don't know how I'll get there, but this prayer has calmed me today. for today i'm reminded of Jesus' gift. so thank you.
For those who need help to forgive TD JAKES BOOK ( LET IT GO)..a powerful book dilled with guidance and understanding to al the emotional and spiritual battle we face in times of offense...READ IT READ IT. I TYPED EARLIER ABIUT MY HUSBANDS infidelitywith sister friend I am still a wok in progress but I have made some courageous steps to forgivingand I feel im getting my p
How do i let go of this hatred and anger inside me. i read this over and over again. it helps each time i read it but the next day it's a cycle right over again. i want to forgive and forget and try to fix things but i dont know how to let it go. it hurts so much and the things that were said were also very hurtful. it's literally inbeded in my head. please! anyone who has suggestions, please any advice would be great! Thanks Eliza for this prayer.
Thank you for the prayer, God bless.
Thanks for this powerful prayer. I will meditate on it every day. I need to forgive the father of my children who threw me out of our home 4 years ago after 22 years of marriage. I need to move on but have not been able to forgive. Now I can do that and move on with my life. Once again I thank you.
Love this I definitely needed to hear this I struggle with forgiveness
i am in a process of 21 day fasting programe to redirect my life to Christ and was prayin about forgiving God, others as well as myself for hurtin me in the process of life. but now i got the prayer to end the day on higher spiritual note thanx Liz
Your prayer was just what I was feeling in my heart. Your words are a God send to me.
Three years ago I met someone, he was an alcoholic an very depressed, so my heart went out to him. Whenever he drank he verbally abusive and cursed me in the nastiest ways. I still held on because of what he told me about his family, my heart went out to him, he drank more and cursed me more, we got engaged, I think it was because I was just very lonely. I caught him in so much lies, he was very dishonest and shady. A few months ago he texed me that his daughters friend was coming to visit for two weeks
That was it, she never left. Three years this man help me captive and promised to marry me. He never picked up the phone ever to call me. Hes been taking her all over line she was gold. Hes in his 40's and she's only 21. I also found out he has been sleeping with her when she was minor. He has three kids. Two the same age. Please tell me how do I forgive this satanic man and the witch he is with? She is not innocent, she knew of me.
Three years ago I met someone, he was an alcoholic an very depressed, so my heart went out to him. Whenever he drank he verbally abusive and cursed me in the nastiest ways. I still held on because of what he told me about his family, my heart went out to him, he drank more and cursed me more, we got engaged, I think it was because I was just very lonely. I caught him in so much lies, he was very dishonest and shady. A few months ago he texed me that his daughters friend was coming to visit for two weeks
That was it, she never left. Three years this man help me captive and promised to marry me. He never picked up the phone ever to call me. Hes been taking her all over line she was gold. Hes in his 40's and she's only 21. I also found out he has been sleeping with her when she was minor. He has three kids. Two the same age. Please tell me how do I forgive this satanic man and the witch he is with? She is not innocent, she knew of me.
This will happen in the future so I need to get over this one. So I can get ready for the future. This too shall pass.
It's been almost a year that my father was taken away from us in a deadly vehicle accident caused by a negligent driver. I am having the most difficult time understanding why he was taken from us. And even more difficult time, forgiving this person. While reading this prayer, I can already begin to feel some strength beginning to grow. Thank you.
I loved a girl more than myself and she left the ten year relationship with out even giving me a clue as to what was happening. I was hurt, angry and depressed. My world went dark and even i thought of ending my life.
I used to get very sad dreams about her in the past three/ four years.Middle of the night I would get up and because the dreams were very vivid, I would pray a prayer for her safety and well being. I tried to reach out to her. But she never returned any calls.
It's been twenty years and she reached out to me. Emotions were running high.I was happy that she did so. But I was finding it difficult to forgive and let her go. I thought it would be easy and I would get a closure.
Then I came across this prayer. I hope to send it to her also.
This morning I Googled 'help me to forgive.' Your prayer was the third link down - it caught my eye because my name is also Eliza. Here's my story in a few words as I can manage.
11 years ago I found out that my husband (a non-believer) was having an affair with someone I thought was a dear friend. It had been going on for (off & on) 20 years, which was almost as long as we had been together. Almost immediately, I consulted an older Christian woman who asked 'what do you want to do?' my response came from some deep part of me: 'I want to do the right thing!' (I don't even remember thinking that thought - it clearly came from the Holy Spirit.) Later that day, when I confronted my husband, he said he wanted to try to make it work between us. On the 3rd day after that, God poured His grace into our life, guiding me and giving me the ability to forgive both of them. I felt the peace that passes understanding, I was even joyful. This was purely of God!
Obviously, I've had many emotions and insecurities over the last 11 years, and many conversations with both my husband and with the other woman. (She continues to be a part of our life, because, among other reasons, her daughters and mine are all very close friends). But God continued to pour His grace into our lives, and our marriage was better than it had ever been. Then, about a year and a half ago, I was suddenly filled with anger towards the other woman. It was as tho God stopped the flow of grace. I didn't know what to do - I've prayed and read Scripture and talked to a friend who knows about all this. At times I think I've had a breakthrough and feel some peace, and then I only have to hear her name and I feel like I'm exploding with anger.
I'm exhausted from trying to forgive in my own strength. So, when I saw the link to your prayer with my name, I knew it was God putting his hand out to me. The prayer you posted so long ago continues to touch lives. Thank you!
Eliza ;-)
I have been researching on how to learn forgive and letting go and came across your prayer Elize, it is on point and will use and hope it will bring me closer to God.
I am tryung to forgive my mother forwhat she did to me, but it is hard because what she did was caused by my losing temper and also because I always get angry all over at the thought of the way she raised me, which is different to the way she raised my brothers.
Thank you
I have been researching on how to learn forgive and letting go and came across your prayer Elize, it is on point and will use and hope it will bring me closer to God.
I am tryung to forgive my mother forwhat she did to me, but it is hard because what she did was caused by my losing temper and also because I always get angry all over at the thought of the way she raised me, which is different to the way she raised my brothers.
Thank you
Thank you Eliza for sharing this prayer! And thanks also to all those who have posted in response. I'm beginning to realize that forgiving is not something I do - it's something Jesus does through me, by His grace. My job is to stay focused on Him, stand in the Light and allow His love to wash over me. When negative thoughts enter my mind, I'm learning to immediately replace them with beautiful thoughts of God; to give thanks to Him instead of allowing bitterness to take root; to praise God when I'm tempted to curse those who hurt me. I can control my thoughts and I am not at the mercy of my emotions. God's healing is available and powerful, but if I keep digging at my wounds they won't heal. We can trust Jesus to make everything beautiful.
This prayers means a whole lot to me. Thank you Eliza
I so needed to see this right now, a terrible suspicion I had for so many years was confirmed. As I was cleaning up our basement after some home renovations I came across a picture of my wife, and the short message on the back told of my deepest fear that I have been dreading for so long now. A true friend had tried to tell me but just couldn`t find the words. The message was from a young man who left us to be with our lord, tragically from suicide. I will keep this prayer in my heart, I guess not knowing is what has been keeping me unable to move past this one moment, always there in the back of my mind.It is hard to forgive, when such a secret is kept. but now I can move forward, thanks to a higher power letting me find that picture and no one else. Thank you for this prayer Eliza.
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