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First, what is an audio prayer? For those who don't know, an audio prayer is a prayer that comes via an audio channel. In other words, rather than having to read it, you can listen to it in a sound file format like you listen to a song or to an audio book. Common sound formats are MP3, WMA and others. Here are some sites where you can find audio prayers:
Pray As You Go - a site where you can download audio prayers in both MP3 and WMA format.
Prayer To Go - a site where you can listen to short audio prayers and read the words at the same time.
Audio Prayer Book -listen to or download prayers for morning, evening, families, etc.
And don't forget about YouTube. You can always convert YouTube videos to mp3 files using the software available online. I use the one from DVDVideoSoft.com.
Prayers on YouTube
Prayers in Songs
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Dreaming of Siberia
10 Facts That Can Increase Your Self-Esteem
5 Things That Make This Moment Unique
The Little Girl Who Wanted To Save the World
My Earliest Memories
Revelations From A Dream
The Quiet Change
When Selfishness Turns Into Selflessness
People Are Beautiful
The Importance of Developing a Flexible Mind
Judging People - Arrogance or Ignorance?
Life Changing Books - The Shack by William P. Young
Faith In God
Audio Prayer Sites
Don't Give Up!
How To Cope With The Challenges Of Life
Look More, See Deeper
How To Be A Prayer Warrior
What Christ Has Done For Us
Lover Of Mankind
Prayer Boxes
Words About Prayer
Let's Welcome Jesus
Improving Your Prayer Life
Longing For Intimacy
The Job God Gave Me
Two Prayers
The Two Parts Of Prayer
Perseverance in Praying
Prayer Resembles A Flower
How To Pray
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O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
Dream High
There is a Light
Just Because You Are My God
The Candle
Don't Cry, My Child
Short Inspirational Poetry
The Stranger
Two Short Poems Of Hope
The Song Of The Stone Wall
A Prospect Of Heaven
Prayer In Verse
Quo Vadis, Domine?
The Orphans Of This World
The Poem Of The Orphan Child
Let Me Be A Prayer
A Prayer For Purity
If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking
The Final Frontier
I've Been A Stranger
The One Who Keeps Our Candle Burning
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Jesus, gentle Shepherd,
Bless Thy lamb to-day;
Keep me in Thy footsteps,
Never let me stray.
Guard me through the daytime.
Every hour, I pray;
Keep my feet from straying
From the narrow way.
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Faithful Shepherd, feed me
In the pastures green;
Faithful Shepherd, lead me
Where Thy steps are seen.
Hold me fast and guide me
In the narrow way;
So, with Thee beside me,
I shall never stray.
Daily bring me nearer
To the heavenly shore;
May my faith grow clearer.
May I love Thee more!
Hallow every pleasure,
Every gift and pain;
Be Thyself my Treasure.
Though none else I gain.
(From the collection Little Folded Hands. Prayers for Children)
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What is prayer? An exercise for the soul, an act of communication? A conversation with God? A journey into ourselves? Where does it take us? To the heights of heaven or to the depths of our own soul? I would greatly appreciate your opinions and comments on what prayer means to you.
By the way, I'm back after a few months of no blogging activity. I appologize to all for the long absence.
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Labels: Helen Keller, Poems
Helen Keller was born in Alabama, U.S. on June 27, 1880. An illness diagnosed as 'brain fever' at the time left her deaf and blind when she was only nineteen months of age. She spent the first years of her life in isolation, cut off from the world and having little understanding of what was going on around her. However, in March, 1887, when she was less than seven years old, she met the person who was going to change her life. Anne Mansfield Sullivan, a 20-year-old graduate of the Perkins School for the Blind, came to their house and undertook the difficult task of teaching Helen. Soon the little girl grew attached of her teacher and the two became inseparable. The bond between them became stronger and stronger as time went by and it could only be broken by Anne's death in 1936.
The amazing methods Anne used to help the little blind and deaf girl overcome her disability and become aware of the world around her are described by Helen in her autobiography entitled The Story of My Life. Soon the wild uncontrollable child grew into a wise and responsible woman who had a lot to say to the world and still has a lot to say to us today.
By her personal example, Helen Keller revolutionized people's outlook on disability and revealed the amazing potential of the human being. She learned Braille and used it to read not only English but also French, German, Greek and Latin. At the age of 24, she was the first deafblind person in history to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree after graduating college with Magna cum Laude. She became a prolific writer and a world-famous speaker. She campaigned for various progressive causes, such as women's suffrage, workers' right and birth control.
Helen Keller wrote several books and articles. At the age of 23 she published her famous autobiography, The Story of My Life. Other works include The World I Live In (1908), Out of the Dark (1913), Light in My Darkness (1927) and the poem The Song of the Stone Wall.
To download the free e-book The Story of My Life by Helen Keller, click here.
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Labels: disability, Helen Keller, strength, Thoughts, victory, wisdom
Lord God, as somebody so beautifully put it, 'friends are the family we choose for ourselves'. In a world where everything seems so unstable and brother turns against brother, there is nothing more comforting than the thought of having faithful friends who are always ready to offer us their help and support.
You taught us, Lord, to love one another as you had loved us and that there is no greater love for a man than to give his life for his friends. Through your life and personal example you gave us a lesson on what true friendship means. Help us follow you and be good friends to our friends. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, so that we can find the right words to pray for them and to thank you for bringing them in our lives.
And as we pray, from the depth of our heart and mind, we say to you: Lord God, watch over my friends. Protect them from all evil and harm and never leave them when they are in need as they have never left me when I was in need. Be their helper and comforter as they have been my helpers and comforters in times of trouble.
Never let any of their prayers return from you unanswered. Never let them feel the sting of loneliness or the bitterness of despair. When hope is gone, bring it back to them. When faith is lost, restore it and make it ten times stronger. When they face challenges, hold them by hand and bear their burdens all along the way. Let them feel the power of your unchanged love renewed with every step they take.
Work in their lives. Be strong in their hearts. Heal their bodies and souls and help them make the best of this life as they prepare for eternity. Reveal to them the beauty of your creation and the miracle of your love. Give them a faith so strong that it can move mountains. And as they acknowledge you in their lives, come and sit at their table and dine with them. Make room for them in your eternal kingdom and keep their candle burning until the end of times. AMEN
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Labels: prayer for friends, Prayers
Lord God, my mind is too small to understand the miracle of prayer. All I know is that it's the best way of communicating with you we've got so far and I thank you for it with all my heart and my soul. Teach us how to pray in an efficient way. Teach us how to pray so that our prayer is heard and answered. Work in our hearts, make our lives worthy of you, so that when we pray, we do it in such a way that is pleasant in your eyes.
So many times we ask for irrelevant things, thinking that we know what's best for us. Help us understand that you know better, because to you nothing is hidden and you know all the things we don't know. Teach us to surrender to your will and pray like Jesus in the Lord's Prayer: 'Thy will be done'. Give us inner peace and comfort as we come to the realization that everything works out for our good and that, as long as we stick with you, nothing wrong can happen to us.
Fill our whole hearts and minds with faith, hope and love and let the spring of everlasting joy flow within us and from within us all around, as we acknowledge you as our father, friend and comforter; our one and only treasure that can never be taken away from us.
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Stephanie: Please pray that my husband comes back to me. He recently filed for divorce and is with another woman. Please pray that this woman leave his life. Pease pray that he doesn't hate me and has forgiven me of any wrong doings I may have done to cause him to leave me. I still love him. I'm praying for a miracle that he comes back to me.
Dawn: Please pray for my son Kyle, who is only 21 and suffers from anxiety and self destructive behaviours of drug and alcohol abuse. Although he wants to do the right things, he lapses and is unstable. Please ask the Lord to heal him and give him strength so that we may have peace and harmony in our home.
Roger Harnden: My wife and I are going through really difficult financial problems in that both our business's are failing to supply our needs (rent, food etc.) I have applied for a job and informed that my application was approved and advised that I have the job but they can not confirm the start date. Each month the hole of debt is getting bigger. I ask you to pray that this job comes through so that I can go out and work to cover the bills and take the financial pressure off the business. I prayed to our Abba Father - even wrote a letter in my bible asking the Lord to help me find a job which would allow me to keep my business while working for the company, praise the lord a few weeks later I received a phone call to come for the interview, they have no problem with me keeping my business while working for them, this is the same company who has confirmed that I have the job but have not confirmed the start date. Please fellow christians pray for us and the company that the company can start their expansion and I can start working for them taking financial pressure off the business and try and start to re-build. Praise the Lord, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoseever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life, Amen
Jugmeet: God, I want permanent residency in Australia. One and half year passed i left my son in my home country. Every night I am crying. I can't go back because I had taken a big amount when I came. Please, help me, otherwise I want to die.
Marike: I am very unhappy in my current job. It is a place where I do get the chance to use my abilities and gifts as a designer. But I am not where I am suppose to be. I surrender my life, my gifts and talents to You. I want to be in Your perfect will to do exactly what You want me to do. I want people to see You working in my life and not myself. My Lord, please put me in the place where I can do your Good works to Glorify Your name.
Iris: Please pray that God will heal my gums and teeth, they are hurting. Please pray that my boyfriend will step out on faith and ask me to marry him. He has been hurt many times and he is thinking that I may do the same, and God knows that I would never. Please pray that God will continue to get me out of debt. Pray that our Centers her at work will thrive and that there will not be any layoffs, in Jesus name. Thank you so much for praying for us. Merry Christmas.
Myrna: Please pray for me and my daughter Jennifer, that the Lord give us the strenghth to overcome all our trials and to always love God more, but most of all we need peace in our hearts and home... I have a man that I have lived with for 21 yrs, everything is not lovely but i have tried my best, the only beautiful thing that came out of this relationship was my 18yr. old son. This man verbally abuses me, especially when I'm praying. All I ask is for u to please pray that i can find a job, so that I can leave him and find peace, because it's affecting me and my son how he humiliates me. Thank u so much. God Bless U All
Pat: Charlotte is going through extreme emotional stress and depression. That God will counsel Charlotte and give her Inner Peace and remove this burden from her. That God will heal Charlotte and give her Peace and calm to protector her from any and all harm. Also that Charlotte and I will strenthen our relationship. And that God will guide myself and Charlotte to do His will. That Charlotte and I will happily marry with His Blessing to do his work for life.
Kara: Please pray for my cousin Austin. He is lost up on the mountain right now and it is dark and cold. They have radio contact with him but there is a storm coming, they are expecting 2 feet of new snow tonight. Please pray that he stay safe and warm through the night and that they find him soon. Pray that God give him the strength to make it through this night and that God and his Angels be with him protecting him through this ordeal. Thank you, your prayers are appreciated.
Sarah: Please pray with me for the salvation of a man named Bill, and for those in his family who don’t know Jesus, or how much He truly loves them. I am not in a position to witness to this man personally, but 2 Christians (one being someone who Bill knows) have been contacted to this regard. Please ask the Lord to extend His spirit to facilitate and lead a conversational witness through these men, and by way of anyone else whom He may choose. Please ask God to extend His grace toward Bill, doing everything needed to chase him, lift the veil from his eyes, bring conviction to his heart and show him his need for a Savior. Like us all, Bill has made some mistakes, and has unfortunately had some tragic things to happen in his life. He and his family need knowledge about God's love, His grace, His glory, His offer of forgiveness, healing, deliverance, and protection--especially now because at this time Bill is in danger of influence by unbelievers (who also need prayer) whose worldly beliefs stand in opposition to God's word. Please ask the Lord to surround Bill with believers who can minister to him, and that He may use the challenges Bill has endured to further the kingdom and lead him to salvation; then, that others will see and also be pointed to Christ by what God does in Bill's life. I thank you sincerely, for your prayers and time.
Shana: Please pray for me. I have been battling many demons. I have a self infliction problem. I cut myself constantly to release emotional pain. I am 26 yrs old and I have two daughters (2&4). Their father is currently incarcerated and will be for the next year and half to two years. I have been financially stressed and i know my babies feel my pain. I don't want my disorder to affect my kids. I am scared that if I seek professional help, I may be forced to stay at a mental institution and lose my daughters. Please help!
Vic: Please pray for strength and hope and that the Lord will guide me in the path that He has chosen for me. Pray for my relationship, that the girl i love before all else loves me in return as much as i love her.
I too have lost my job through retrenchment and i am on the verge of suicide. Please pray that the Lord will bless me with a position that is better than the one i lost according to His will. I have hurt too many people in this life and at the moment i have no direction and no desire to get up in the morning to face another day of job hunting with all the rejection that goes with it. So therefore i humbly ask that a prayer be said for me to re discover the faith that the Lord wants me to have.
David: Please pray for God to bless me with a wonderful job of His choice. I lost my former job through retrenchment. I have a family which I should provide for. Thanks
Sara: Please pray for me to stay strong and give me faith in you lord, as my faith is doubted at the moment.
My gran died over a year ago, and i recently have moved into her house that she left to me and my children, my two children are also living in her old house.I have been so busy since she died, with dealing with her funeral and having a college course to do administration and having to gutter the house im now living in that loosing my gran has not hit me badly untill today.
Today i realised that i have been focusing in a carear so badly to maintain the house that my gran left as so if she could look down on me she would be proud that i have decorated and worked hard on it so my children would ejoy in it. But i have been woundering as the house is so peacefull and calm that almost no shred of evidence almost that my gran had ever exicsted and i keep wishing her to be home with me and my grandfather as they both brought me up.
But i feel that i will never see them again and that really frightens me and i feel like i wish i was dead, but then i think i cant do anything like that because my children need me and i love them so much. Ihave a horse that i deeply love too and he is lame, he has kept me going by his unconditonal love and i pray that he shall be ok and that his lameness will go away and he will not be in pain anymore.
I have a job interview tomorrow and i really hope i have some luck soon either a job or part time studing in college as if i am not busy i know i will become so upset of the lost of my gran and that this house will just make me feel worst as my mind will be constantly be on my gran and wishing her back. i keep asking but what if i never see my gran and then i really panick inside.
I also have no boyfriend, i would love to find love again in a relationship, i have been feeling very unloved lately. I think of how i use to feel when i was in love before and I just cant see me ever being with somebody ever again.
Please prayer for me to stay strong and to keep my faith and i would like to prayer for my children to keep them from any harms way and for my love to shine through to them and keep them strong especially over the xmas period as my daughter nadia was especially close to my gran and i dont want my daughter ever to feel as low as what im starting to feel, also prayer for my horse lad, to get better and to heal him of his lameness and for me to find my soul mate and to be complete. I just want this emptyness feeling to go and fill it with love instead,
Thank you for helping me pray,
Wanda: I have two adult children who know about God since they were brought up in a Christian home. They have chosen to walk away from their faith. I ask for prayer that God will show them His great love and that they will seek the blood of Jesus to wash them of their sins. I feel great urgency right now as a mother. Please pray for them.
N: Praise the Lord!
I'm a born-again believer of Lord Christ. Got married Just 3 months back after 10 long years of prayer but... My husband and I have been having major marital problems and we are now on the verge of breaking up. After marriage I came to know that He has got all bad habits and beats me everyday. I came out from My husband as he is putting lot of false and base-less allegations on my behaviour and character. He has cheated me by having illegal relatioship with other women before marriage with me and in the process of marrying her... Everyone of my well-wishers,church members suggest that I end this relationship. Pls do pray for me as he is creating lot of legal problems in giving Divorce from his end now,though initially he wants to divorce me. Let Lord guide me in this matter.
Kindly pray for me in relation to my marriage as the case is in court now. We also need a financial blessing. I am now weary and fed up and frustrated. I need divine intervention. Thanks for your prayers as I wait in faith.
Yours sister in Christ..
Kevin: I have just gone through a deep and painful place in my life which inlcuded some really painful emotions from a past divorce and a past rejection, that seemed like a box with all kinds of springs in it. I eventually opened the box so to speak and realized it was empty all along but in the process I have deeply hurt two people, I feel as though I have lost all my integrity and only God knows how to put me back together. Please pray that God will give me peace as he rebuilds me and that as it says in Job that When he's tried me, I will come forth like Gold.
Mindy Aki: Please pray for me to find work with God's help as I go through these terrible times. Please also pray for my husband for his job to be blessed, protected and saved during these trying times.
Denise: Please pray for the Wood family who has gone through many difficult times, also Poppy, the family dog, who has been very poorly. Thank you.
Jayakabra: Please pray for me. I'm broken , dreams didn't get fulfilled ... i'm dying slowly and slowly .. I wanted to study further and wanted to do work, as these days i'm doing nothing .. at home only from 3 yrs. I have wasted my valuable time . What 2 do?? Please pray 4 me ... 4 my dreams. Yhank u. God bless all. Amen. And forgive as u said.
John: Please pray for me. I need a job in Aviation/aerospace industry. I am a fresh graduate and lack experience, which makes it difficult for my entry to any company. Please pray that any of the company\'s that I have posted my CV might notice it and respond. It's going to be two months that I am waiting and no interview till date. Also, pray that God might give me good hope and comfort while I am forced to wait. Thank you for offering this service, I will also remember this organization in my prayers. God bless.
Michael: I have an urgent prayer request.
I am a missionary of evangelism, intercession and church planting. I have been able to reach an island of one million in Asia in fifteen years.
My daughter, Micah Bailey says “Souls are her passion”. She is 24 and desires to be a pilot missionary. She is working for the money to get all of her training.
I have been invited to go to different countries and I need to hear from God as to which one. This is very important.
I have a friend named Jim Brouse, whom I have been praying for around ten years. He has a business deal that has closed and the ships have sailed. He needs to receive payment. I would ask that you pray for this business deal and for him to receive this payment. This will be a great advance for the Kingdom of God. This is for billions of dollars.
Thank you very much for your time and your prayers.
P. Michael Bailey
Eliza: Thank you for all your prayers. My surgery went well and I'm recovering quickly.
Johny: Please pray for the success of our office building construction . This is a government work. Please pray so that there is no hindrance and liability issues. Please pray so that the building is safe and long lasting. We work for it sincerely.
Jeffrey: Please Pray that Jesus will protect Mrs. Nishrin and her seven year old son Hyder Ali, and deliver them from all the powers and bondages of the Devil.
Trey: Please pray for my getting accepted to USC.
Jennifer: Please pray for Jennifer, she is going through hard times, she has 2 children. Pleases pray that the city approves her application. Due to a domestic violence that she went through she had to leave her apartment to another and she needs help to paid part of her rent because it's 900.00. She is a caring person always helping others and now there's nobody there for her but God. Thank u so much.
Eliza: Please pray for all the people who live in fear and anxiety.
Eliza: Please pray for me, as I'm having a surgery next Friday (24 July) and I feel very apprehensive about it.
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May God bless you all who celebrate Easter today and bring His holy light into your lives and souls.
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Labels: Easter, Via Dolorosa
"For religion is something more than all the creeds that have endeavoured to express its thought. Religion is something more than all the organizations that have tried to incarnate its purposes. Religion is the human spirit, by the grace of God, seeking and finding an interpretation of experience that puts sense and worth, dignity, elevation, joy, and hope into life."
"To exist is one thing; to live is another. Existence is comprised of the bare facts of life alone--the universe in which we live, our heritage and birth, our desires and their satisfactions, growth, age and death. All the facts that science can display before us comprise existence. But life is something more. Life is existence clothed in spiritual meanings; existence seen with a worthy purpose at the heart of it and hope ahead, existence informed by the spirit's insights and understandings, transfigured and glorified by the spirit's faiths and hopes. It follows, therefore, that while existence is given us to start with, life is a spiritual achievement. A man must take the facts of his existence whether he wants to or not, but he makes his life by the activity of his soul."
"He [Jesus] has become to us in this, our inner need, what the luminous phrase of the Book of Job describes, "An interpreter, one among a thousand." And in spite of all our immediate expectancy, born out of our scientific control of life, mankind never needed that service more than now."
"Man's deepest need is spiritual power, and spiritual power comes out of the soul's deep fellowships with the living God."
"For the supreme moral asset in any man's life is not his aggressiveness nor his pugnacity, but his capacity to be inspired--to be inspired by great books, great music, by love and friendship; to be inspired by great faiths, great hopes, great ideals; to be inspired supremely by the Spirit of God. For so we are lifted until the things we tried to see and could not we now can see because of the altitude at which we stand, and the things we tried to do and could not we now can do because of the fellowship in which we live. "
"Spiritual transformation is infinitely various because it is so infinitely vital; but behind all the special forms of experience stands the colossal fact that men can be transformed by the Spirit of God."
"We do not passively submit to God's will; we actively assert it."
"God's righteousness is interpreted, not in terms of justice only, but of compassionate, sacrificial love; his Fatherhood embraces not only all mankind but each individual, lifting him out of obscurity in the mass into infinite worthfulness and hope. And more than this development of idea, the New Testament gives us a new picture of God in the personality of Jesus, and we see the light of the knowledge of God's glory in his face."
"Religion is the most intimate, inward, incommunicable fellowship of the human soul. "
"You never know God at all until you know him for yourself. The only God you ever will know is the God you do know for yourself."
"Christianity in the beginning was an intensely personal experience."
"For Christianity is not a creed, nor an organization, nor a ritual. These are important but they are secondary. They are the leaves, not the roots; they are the wires, not the message. Christianity itself is a life."
"Take the personality of Jesus out of Christian history and what you have left is chaos."
"Creation has never said its last word on any subject or landed its last hammer blow on any task. "
"The centuries are sick with a god made in man's image, and all the time the real God has been saying, 'Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such a one as thyself.'"
"Let a man once begin with God as the universal spiritual Presence and then go on to see the divine quality of that Presence revealed in Christ, and there is no limit to the deepening and heightening of his estimation of God's character, except the limits of his own moral imagination."
"The achievement of a worthy idea of God involves, therefore, the ability to discover God in all life, outside the Church as well as within, and in people who do not believe in him nor recognize him as well as in those who do."
"We are tempted to look for God's activity chiefly, if not altogether, inside the organization that avows him. But that cannot be true. He comes in like the sun through every chink and crevice where he can find a way of entrance. He does not wait to be welcomed. He does not insist on being consciously recognized before he enters a man's life. Rather, through any door or window left unwittingly ajar where he may steal in, even though unobserved, to lift and liberate a life, there the God of the New Testament will come--'the light which lighteth every man coming into the world.'"
" There is a flame in the center of your heart which you cannot put out. If there were no God it would be easier to disbelieve in him than it is. You cannot get rid of him because the best in you is God in you. "
"In a world which out of lowly beginnings has climbed so far and seems intended to go on to heights unimagined, God is our hope and in his name we will set up our banners."
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